Taste of connection
Do you want to give the Connections Experiment a try, but feel intimidated or overwhelmed by a 21 day commitment? Try our Taste of Connection plan! Seven days of easy 5 minute ways to connect.
The Connections Experiment is a social experiment exploring the psychological benefits of daily connections with family past and present.
To gauge the benefits of connection, we have created a short pre-survey, you will also take a post-survey at the end of the 7 days.
Day 1

How Long Would You Last?
Watch this VIDEO example from an old Holiday commercial.
Now see how long you would last by using our Dinner Conversations Game.
You can play with your family at dinner, on teams, as a family, or even by yourself. If you don’t know the answer, consider calling a family member to find the answer. Come back and play often as you continue connecting with your family!
Tip: For some additional ideas and resources check out our blog post, In My Abuela’s Kitchen.
Day 2

Try Connection
Our goal is to make connecting easy and fun! Watch this short video about our Connections Idea Generator.
WANT TO TRY IT? We have compiled hundreds of quick and easy ways for you to connect here in our Idea Generator! Keep clicking “surprise me” until you find the idea that is just right for you, and come back any time you need a connections boost!
Day 3

Discover Why Connection?
Research is starting to support how connecting with our family stories, in simple ways, can help people cope with the effects of stress, anxiety, depression, and find healing. The links and resources listed here are a few of these studies and articles about them. We expect to see more and more material published each year. Pick one article to read or pick a video to watch, share what you find interesting with someone.
Day 4

Explore the “Everyday Connections” Plan
You’ve learned why connecting is important (Day 3), quick ways to connect (Day 2) and where you might be lacking in connection so far. We wanted to take the guesswork out of finding 21 things to do in a full experiment so we came up with 21-day plans with different themes or goals. Try out one of our plans by doing day 8 of the “Everyday Connections” plans.
Day 5

Interview Yourself
Writing your life history can be overwhelming. Interview yourself or your family with our Speed Interview Generator. Grab your phone or other recording device and record your answers as you enjoy this tool.
Tip: Read our blog post, What You Need To Know About Saving Memories, or watch this video How to Upload Your Story To FamilySearch, on our YouTube channel about uploading stories to FamilySearch to learn how to quickly and easily preserve your personal interview. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to have access to other how to’s, interviews, and many fabulous resources.
Day 6

Get Social
- Visit our Make My Meme page, select your favorite Connection Meme from our library of meme’s you can personalize. Share it on social media and be sure to tag us @21dayconnect
Day 7

What has this experiment been like? Did you enjoy connecting more with your family? What differences did you experience? Write in your journal or share your answers with us @21DayConnect
Be sure to take the Post Experiment Survey.
Upon completion compare and contrast your Pre Experiment Survey email confirmation from Day 1 with your Post Experiment Survey email confirmation today.
Check out more of our 7-day plans below, or try a 21-day plan. You can take each plan at your own pace, but we recommend committing to one now, so that you can maximize the power of connection in your life.