How long would YOU LAST?
Watch this VIDEO example from an old Ikea commercial, then see how long you last with this new Dinner Conversations Game tool. You can play with your family at dinner, on teams, as a family, or even by yourself. If you don’t know the answer, consider calling a family member to find the answer.
Note: Skip questions that do not apply (e.g. If you don’t have children skip the questions about your kids.)

Dinner Conversations Game Generator
Up for a challenge–How long can you last?
Click the button and see if you can outlast the 3 minute timer.
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Use this interview generator to do an interview in five minutes or less!
make my meme
Connect by creating a shareable fun meme made with your memories and photos!
Use this interview generator to do an interview in five minutes or less!
make my meme
Connect by creating a shareable fun meme made with your memories and photos!