Hunt for connection activity

Directions for the host
- In a separate window, go to our Hunt for Connection game
- Input 5 prompts from the list below.
- Go to the next slide and share your screen.
- Type in the team names for each family playing.
- Each round has three parts:
- The prompt – the prompt you typed in will appear.
- A three-minute timer begins, When the time runs out, each team shares what they found.
- The host awards points.
- Award points as follows:
- 5 points for making it back on time.
- 10 points for a good explanation of the item.
- 15 points for the team that best addressed the prompt.
- (You could also make up your own point rules).
Connect with the past with:
- A childhood toy.
- Your baby picture.
- A book your parents or grandparents read to you as a child.
- Ingredients from your favorite childhood meal.
- Items that begin with the same letter as your great-grandmother’s maiden name.
- A picture of your grandparents.
- A gift from your wedding or your parent’s wedding.
- The oldest family heirloom.
- Something that represents your ancestral home.
- Something that reminds you of:
- Mom or Dad
- Grandma or Grandpa
- Uncles or Aunts
- Cousins
Connect with the present with:
- A journal or diary.
- A game or puzzle your family loves.
- An item that reminds you of your favorite vacation.
- Something that would represent your family theme song if you had one.
- A favorite family book.
- A souvenir from a vacation.
- Something with your last name on it.
- An article of clothing, quilt, or blanket that is special to you.
- Something that represents your favorite place to be in the house.
- Something that reminds you of one of your favorite accomplishments.
- An object that represents something that you recently learned to do.
- An object that represents part of your personality.
- Your favorite tangible possession.
- A family selfie.
- Something that represents your family home.
- Something you made that you hope to pass down.