Hunt for connection activity

Directions for the host

  1. In a separate window, go to our Hunt for Connection game
  2. Input 5 prompts from the list below.
  3. Go to the next slide and share your screen. 
  4. Type in the team names for each family playing.
  5. Each round has three parts:
    1. The prompt – the prompt you typed in will appear. 
    2. A three-minute timer begins, When the time runs out, each team shares what they found. 
    3. The host awards points. 
  6. Award points as follows:
    1. 5 points for making it back on time. 
    2. 10 points for a good explanation of the item.
    3. 15 points for the team that best addressed the prompt.
      1. (You could also make up your own point rules).

Connect with the past with:

  • A childhood toy.
  • Your baby picture. 
  • A book your parents or grandparents read to you as a child. 
  • Ingredients from your favorite childhood meal. 
  • Items that begin with the same letter as your great-grandmother’s maiden name. 
  • A picture of your grandparents. 
  • A gift from your wedding or your parent’s wedding. 
  • The oldest family heirloom. 
  • Something that represents your ancestral home. 
  • Something that reminds you of:
    • Mom or Dad
    • Grandma or Grandpa
    • Uncles or Aunts
    • Cousins

Connect with the present with:

  • A journal or diary.
  • A game or puzzle your family loves. 
  • An item that reminds you of your favorite vacation. 
  • Something that would represent your family theme song if you had one. 
  • A favorite family book. 
  • A souvenir from a vacation. 
  • Something with your last name on it. 
  • An article of clothing, quilt, or blanket that is special to you. 
  •  Something that represents your favorite place to be in the house. 
  • Something that reminds you of one of your favorite accomplishments. 
  • An object that represents something that you recently learned to do. 
  • An object that represents part of your personality. 
  • Your favorite tangible possession. 
  • A family selfie. 
  • Something that represents your family home. 
  • Something you made that you hope to pass down.
 Have any suggestions to add to this list? Put them here




Game Music: Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod
Game License:

That's A Wrap!

We've concluded our experiment!

Thank you for participating! We've loved connecting with you!

We want to keep our resources available as long as possible, and will continue to do so while the funds last. Our products and digital downloads will also remain available through the end of the year, these funds will be used to support the website, so be sure to grab them soon. 


Complement your 21day experiment with Your DNA Guide—the Book. It takes you step-by-step through the various ways of using DNA to answer questions about your origins.


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TEXT the message @FCE-Events to the number 81010.  *If you have trouble, try texting @FCE-Events to (224) 324-3285. 


Download the Connections Experiment App from the
Google Play store for easy access to daily plan prompts.


Join Us

We’re gearing up for our next experiment starting October 1, 2020 for Family History month!

We would love to have you join us! Simply sign up below and we’ll send you a reminder when the initial survey and plans are up! 

We can’t wait to participate in another experiment with you!