build your plan bridge

A 21 day experiment you create to fit you! If none of the pre-made plans worked for you, no worries, here are some ideas to help you put together your perfect plan! Use our Connections Idea Generator for quick, fun, and easy ideas for connecting… 

or pick from the categories below to find the perfect set of activities for you.  Feel free to use any of the ideas from the pre-made plans also. 

*All activities with a * require a FamilySearch account to participate in that activity.

If you don’t have one please set one up with a tree or find another activity for that day.

Life History

Visit the “About Me” plan for journal prompts. Pick and choose what you do.

Check out these journaling apps

Organize your photos: tag, label, and name them.

Scan some photos or documents.

Upload and attach photos to someone in your tree.

Select a random photo from your life, write a story about it (perhaps 7 years ago today).

Create a timeline of your life

Visit Record My Story for a lot of prompts. (You don’t need to record them there.)

Visit 52 stories for even more prompts. You can even post them on social media and use the #52stories


MyHeritage colorize pictures

Upload a photo, story, or recording to FamilySearch

Share a photo, story, or document with a family member

Print, frame and hang up an ancestor’s photo

Create a Google Photos Album: Add family pictures and include location tags or maps, add the story in the album and invite family to contribute 


Interview living family members. Call a grandparent, ask them questions and record the phone call. (Find an Audio Call Recorder in your App library)

Write down a memory about a parent, grandparent or child. Connect it to your family member on your tree.

Create a family Facebook group, Instgram profile or blog. Ask questions and share stories with family here. 

Build your Tree

Attach a record hint in FamilySearch or Ancestry

Interview ancestors in your tree, see what’s missing

Call a living relative and verify information is correct on your tree

Index a batch of records

Find a new person to research and learn about

Search for an ancestor in books

Search for an ancestor in a newspaper

Search for an ancestor on Find-A-Grave


Get a free FamilySearch account

Get a free or invest in a MyHeritage account

Print a family tree and fill it out

Invest in an Ancestry account


Buy a DNA kit

Learn more about DNA testing here

Go through your DNA matches

Get inspired by watching Relative Race


Watch a RootsTech class or Keynote

Watch a webinar from the Family History Library

Read a FamilySearch wiki article about researching in a country your family lines are in

Sign up for a free Legacy webinar 

Explore a link on our Research page

Help SOmeone

Answer messages in your genealogy sites (FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, etc.)

Write a message thanking someone for the work they’ve done 

Index or review records on FamilySearch

Teach someone a skill you have

Write a letter to a family member

Family & Kid Activities

Check out Kid Educational Resources 

Family Narrative activity – give each family member a 3×5 card and give them 60 seconds to write just three words that describe their family. Discuss what you write.

Watch Coco or Moana 

Watch family videos

Create family videos (Edit)

Convert family videos

Download the Family History Family Guide and do the activities

Create a “Life Map” – grab a piece of paper and give each family member 2 mins to write down 5-10 life events that matter to them on one side. Flip the paper over and draw a map (like the board game Candyland) from the time they are born (beginning) until the current day (end). Then have them plot their experiences on the map and have them talk about why they chose those specific events.


Take the “How happy is your family?” quiz

Join a Genealogical society (DAR/SAR, DUP/SUP, local genealogical chapter)

Visit a local museum

External Resources

Evalogue Life– Tips & resources for oral interviews.

My Mommy Style– Time For Us: A Parent & Child Weekly Interactive Activity/Journal Membership $

Alice Childs– Family history consultant resources

Modern Genealogy– 5 day where to get started challenge

idea generator icon

Connection Idea Generator

Want a quick and easy way to connect today? Click below for a 5 minute idea that will help you connect with family past and present. We’re regularly adding new ideas so be sure to come back often.

Remember to complete your final survey

3 Responses

That's A Wrap!

We've concluded our experiment!

Thank you for participating! We've loved connecting with you!

We want to keep our resources available as long as possible, and will continue to do so while the funds last. Our products and digital downloads will also remain available through the end of the year, these funds will be used to support the website, so be sure to grab them soon. 


Complement your 21day experiment with Your DNA Guide—the Book. It takes you step-by-step through the various ways of using DNA to answer questions about your origins.


Joining us from RootsTech Connect? Press play!

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Receive daily emails with your daily plan prompts and information about other events and connection opportunities.

CLICK HERE and enter your email address to be added to this email list.



Receive a text before events.

TEXT the message @FCE-Events to the number 81010.  *If you have trouble, try texting @FCE-Events to (224) 324-3285. 


Download the Connections Experiment App from the
Google Play store for easy access to daily plan prompts.


Join Us

We’re gearing up for our next experiment starting October 1, 2020 for Family History month!

We would love to have you join us! Simply sign up below and we’ll send you a reminder when the initial survey and plans are up! 

We can’t wait to participate in another experiment with you!