Gifts from Our Partners

We’ve reached out to several companies who had you in mind when they created their products. Their products are built to make connecting with family past and present easier and fun! Check out some of these perks that they’ve generously donated to help you with your commitment to connecting more.

50% Off

Each participant will receive a coupon for 1/2 off for two years to Collectionaire to build their Family History and “Best Memories” Collection.

Use coupon code: 2020CONNECT


Receive a $20 discount off of your Memories Preservation System.

The SHOTBOX Memories Preservation System – Includes Full Add-On Bundle + Shutter Release Cable + Free Shipping

Use coupon code: Connections20  

Relationship Chart

Legacy Tree Genealogists

Understanding how you relate to others in your family tree can be confusing at times. Take the guesswork out with this easy to use DNA & Relationship Quick Reference chart from Legacy Tree Genealogists. Download now for free!

Free Tree Sharing

Fix printing problems. As you gather your family history, use Clanview at any time to quickly transform your data into a ‘published’ 3D family tree you can show your family.  It’s instant, interactive and private.

Plus, publish your first 3D family tree with Clanview Free and receive a $20 coupon free!

Simply visit the Clanview Free page and sign-up for an online account – it only takes 30 seconds.

Free Toolkit

Get a hand-selected toolkit of printables and question prompts to inspire you during the Connections Experiment – all free for you.

Click here to receive your Toolkit.

About Our Sponsors


Collectionaire is a simple but smart cloud app for building the ultimate collection of a family’s history and best memories, including digital photo albums, home movies, digitized scrapbooks, slide shows, audio recordings, journals, etc.  It’s not a photo storage site, but instead a “hub” that complements sites like SmugMug, Flickr, Google Photos, Apple Photos, Vimeo, YouTube, and others by aggregating all your best memories into one easy-to-navigate site via your family tree.


The SHOTBOX is an all-in-one portable light studio that allows you to scan faster, capture amazing photos, and have fun unleashing your creative side all just using your smartphone. It’s easy to use, for imaging any item, heirloom or keepsake that you want to preserve. Use your smartphone to capture and the included tools to help make it beautiful. And just like that you are done. Shotbox also includes solutions for your whole home preservation system.

We'd love to Partner with you!

Have a great product you’d love to share with participants? Does your company share our goals? Questions or ideas you’d like us to hear? We’d love to hear from you!

That's A Wrap!

We've concluded our experiment!

Thank you for participating! We've loved connecting with you!

We want to keep our resources available as long as possible, and will continue to do so while the funds last. Our products and digital downloads will also remain available through the end of the year, these funds will be used to support the website, so be sure to grab them soon. 


Complement your 21day experiment with Your DNA Guide—the Book. It takes you step-by-step through the various ways of using DNA to answer questions about your origins.


Joining us from RootsTech Connect? Press play!

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Receive daily emails with your daily plan prompts and information about other events and connection opportunities.

CLICK HERE and enter your email address to be added to this email list.



Receive a text before events.

TEXT the message @FCE-Events to the number 81010.  *If you have trouble, try texting @FCE-Events to (224) 324-3285. 


Download the Connections Experiment App from the
Google Play store for easy access to daily plan prompts.


Join Us

We’re gearing up for our next experiment starting October 1, 2020 for Family History month!

We would love to have you join us! Simply sign up below and we’ll send you a reminder when the initial survey and plans are up! 

We can’t wait to participate in another experiment with you!